“Be GOOD most of the time – the other times be GREAT!”
– Jake CAN-Do Lucas

Hello! I am Jake, and this is why I’m here…
I graduated in 2019 and currently attend an Adult Transition Program (ATP) for special needs. Like anyone my age, I am trying to create an independent life for myself. I am ready, willing, but not exactly able to hold down a traditional job due to several challenges that are a stumbling block to employment: I’m non-verbal, I can’t drive, I have dexterity and proprioceptive issues…
And in a short time, I will also age out of the ATP. So, the question arose – then what?
With no real options and only hearing a laundry list of what I could NOT do, I decided to focus on something that I CAN do – so I started Jake CAN-Do Recycling! Little did anyone realize, that was really just the beginning…
Few people took me seriously, so I had to set an ambitious business goal – 100 CAN-Doers (people who agreed to provide me with their donated cans/bottles) by the end of the year (which was only 4 months away). With community support and a dedicated team who rallied around me, I was able to reach that goal! Check. Now I am expanding my service area. I am also partnering with like-minded entrepreneurs to broaden our coverage as far west as Ann Arbor and south to Union Lake. Find out more…

And the Community Graciously Took Notice:
I was surprised and humbly grateful…
This Definitely Answers What I CAN Do, but…
Once I age out of the ATP program, there is another huge hurdle to contend with. Up to now, the school has been a safe and steady place with an established routine and people who at least sort of ‘get me’. It is the base for all of my social events and contacts. Although people say they will stay “in touch” – in reality, people’s lives move on. It’s even further complicated by the fact that I cannot drive. Even the usual points of contact like social media are challenging for me.
Most of my contemporaries go to live in group homes or may go to Day Center facilities. Many of the Center facilities have closed and/or have wait lists. Both group homes and Day Centers face staffing shortages. Since COVID, even finding RESPITE care or CLS (Community Living Services) workers – so that I can live at home and give my folks a break, has been equally challenging. And if you do find a worker, turnover is EXTREMELY high. For individuals who thrive better with routines, this is particularly rough.
So the next question arose: Where CAN I go?
Where I CAN go! The CAN-Do Concept Expands
Well, if it worked for cans…
Since there is no real option for a safe, local “where to go place after you age out from school’ – I guess we’ll have to create one! Think of an alcohol-free Cheers meeting a Friends Coffeehouse. Someplace that you are welcomed and everybody knows your name. A CAN-Do Clubhouse! Check.
After a lot of deliberation, the CAN-Do Crew (mainly my family and I) decided that we would have to build one – and hopefully they will come as the saying goes. But since nothing is free, how do we fund such an undertaking? Since I believe that you only appreciate that which you work for, maybe we CAN figure out a way to create a positive ‘work’ experience for the members that will also work to fund the ‘social’ aspects of the club. A CAN-Do Drive-Thru! Check.
At the moment, that is where we are.
The concept is well received…. Join my email list to stay updated!
Sometimes you just know you know.
As we move forward, more things are starting to gel. We’ve purchased the property, created the site plan and the project is awaiting approval from the township. If all goes well, we may even be able to break ground this year. This has generated a lot of interest from potential club members as well as questions which we may not have the answers to yet. So please sign up for my email list and I will keep you updated >>
Overcoming life’s challenges, one hurdle at a time….
So what’s next?
Phase I
Phase II
Got Any Questions?
Fill out this form and I will try to answer them as soon as I can >>>